
Journal of Medical and Dental Practice

www.medinform.bgISSN 2367-6795

Issue One 2017

2017, Vol. 4, issue 1, (March)

Publisher: Medinform LTD
ISSN: 2367-6795
Pages: 514-615
Date of close: 2017/04/04

Original Article

Protocol for sterile conditions using dental photography


In dental surgical procedures in outpatient practices and a lacking opportunity for video documentation, the operator or the assistant are needed to document with cameras the different stages in implantological or surgical dental treatment. A similar working protocol requires sterile conditions of photographic equipment and accessories for photographic documentation. The purpose of this article is to create and combine photographic and disinfection steps needed for a protocol of shooting during surgical treatment. The sterilization of such devices is not easy and is associated to certain difficulties. The use of specific combined protocols with sterile foil or autoclaved envelopes provide complete sterility and freedom in photographic and medical aspect.


Radostina Vasileva; Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of DentalMedicine, Medical University, Varna;
Rossen Kolarov; Department of Maxillo-oral Surgery, Faculty of DentalMedicine, Medical University, Varna;
Nikolay Nikolov; Private dental practice - Plovdiv;

Corresponding Author:

Radostina Vasileva; Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Varna; 55 Marin Drinov Str. 9002 Varna, Bulgaria; 0876 744070; Email this author