Issue One 2023
2023, Vol. 10, issue 1, (January)
Original Article
Study of bad breath
About 15 to 65% of the population suffers from bad breath. This can lead to anxiety, depression, complicate daily life, create discomfort and social difficulties, and is often a cause for low self-esteem. Cases of pseudohalitosis, in which patients constantly complain that they have bad breath, but in practice none is felt, are not rare.
In about 80% -85% of cases the cause of bad breath is in the oral cavity and in the other cases it is considered to be due to disorders of the nose, sinuses, lungs, the digestive or urinary systems, or is associated with endocrine disorders.
Testing with devices is an easy method to determine this condition. Some of these methods offer an effective, easy and fast way to detect bad breath. Working with such devices does not require prior training. Interpretation of the results is greatly facilitated by the numerical value that appears on the display. The method can be easily applied when we want to determine the levels of bad breath.
Keywords: bad breath, halitosis, halimeter, volatile sulfur compounds