
Journal of Medical and Dental Practice

www.medinform.bgISSN 2367-6795

Issue One 2024

2024, Vol. 11, issue 1, (January)

Publisher: Medinform LTD
ISSN: 2367-6795
Pages: 1753-1840
Date of close: 2024/06/10

Literature Review

Microbiology of endodontic infections and antibacterial chemical agents


Endodontic therapy’s substantial purpose is to create a biologically appropriate environment within the root canal system that is conducive for the healing and maintenance of periradicular tissue health. Bacteria are one of the main factors causing disorders in the pulpal tissues, as they invade the endodontic space through variety of routes, including carious lesions, traumatic pulp exposure, using blood stream or by adjacent tissues. Bacteria found in the pathogenesis of endodontic diseases vary from facultative anaerobes to aerobes to the most resilient species able to survive adverse conditions in the surrounding environment. By using irrigation, mechanical action, and the antibacterial properties of the irrigating solutions, bacteria eradication and postendodontic treatment success are assured.
Keywords: bacteria, microbiota, infection, root canal, disinfection, irrigation


Tsvetelina Borisova-Papancheva; Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Varna;
Ana-Maria Miteva; Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Varna;

Corresponding Author:

Ana-Maria Miteva; Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Varna; Email this author