Issue Two 2016
2016, Vol. 3, issue 2, (December)
Original Article
Local and general anesthesia and premature extraction of deciduous teeth
The premature extraction under general anesthesia differs significantly from the same manipulation made with local anesthesia. The aim of the study is to compare the number, the type and the position of the prematurely extracted deciduous teeth in children treated with local and under general anesthesia. Subjects of monitoring were 60 children. The clinical group consists of 30 children with teeth for premature extraction under general anesthesia and the control group consists of 30 with children for premature extraction under local anesthesia. The dental status was examined and registered by the DMFT. The number and type of these teeth were calculated and registered in special cards. Results: The children from the first group had a greater average number of prematurely extracted teeth per child 3,22 ± 0,28 and for the children from the second group that number is 1,03 ± 0,07. The children from the first group have 23 premature extracted anterior teeth. For the first group of children – 55 second temporary molars were prematurely extracted, in the second group – 25 teeth. A greater number of deciduous teeth in the lower jaw in the two studied groups of children were prematurely extracted – 49 teeth in the first group and 43 teeth for the second group. Conclusion: These results demonstrate the connection between the carious activity, premature tooth loss and the need of prevention of younger children, especially with ECC, where the upper incisors are strongly damaged at a very young age.
Radosveta Andreeva; Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Medical University of Varna;Milena Georgieva; Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Medical University of Varna;
Danail Lichev; Department of Anestheology and Intensive Care, UMHAT “St.Marina”, Varna;
Evgeni Dimitrov; Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Medical University of Varna;
Ani Belcheva; Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Medical University of Plovdiv;