
Journal of Medical and Dental Practice

www.medinform.bgISSN 2367-6795

Issue Two 2023

2023, Vol. 10, issue 2, (June)

Publisher: Medinform LTD
ISSN: 2367-6795
Pages: 1701-1800
Date of close: 2023/06/10

Case Reports

Compound Odontoma: A Case Report And Literature Review


Aim. The aim of this case report is to present the clinical case of a compound odontoma with an unusual location in the posterior region of the maxilla as well as to give a literature review on the causes of occurrence, diagnosis and treatment of compound odontomas.

Materials and methods. The study reports the clinical case of a compound odontoma occurring in the region of tooth #16 of the maxilla, which is considered a rare location in view of the clinical cases described in dental literature so far. The research on the literature review relied on Google Scholar and PubMed publications written in English and published after 2021.

Results. Odontomas are among the most common benign formations in the jaw bones. They are divided into two main types: compound odontomas and complex odontomas. Compound odontomas have predilection for the anterior maxilla, whereas complex odontomas typically occur in the posterior mandible. Distribution between the two sexes for both types of odontomas is approximately equal.

Conclusion. Odontomas are relatively common hamartoma formations and do not pose any diagnostic or surgical problems but should always be regarded as a potential cause for difficult eruption or impaction of teeth. Early diagnosis can prevent complications such as malocclusion, bite disorders as well as other functional or aesthetic disturbances.


Keywords: compound odontoma, hamartoma, impacted tooth 


Elitsa Dzhongova; Faculty of Dental Medicine - MU Varna Department Oral surgery ;
Izabella Petrova ; Faculty of Dental Medicine - MU Varna Department Oral surgery ;

Corresponding Author:

Elitsa Dzhongova; Faculty of Dental Medicine - MU Varna Department Oral surgery ; Email this author